Barred from the Afterlife: The entire premise of the game.Atevo is this throughout the game, but especially towards the end as they realize just how badly they were in the wrong while alive.The Atoner: Kalani spends the second half of the game trying to make up for causing the destruction of Quilotasi by trying to do what Weyla wanted from the beginning.They should actually be about the size of the wolf's snout. Animals Not to Scale: The 'moles' (actually fairy armadillos) are about the size of badgers.All for Nothing: Kalani's revolution fails to overthrow the emperor and only results in meaningless destruction that brought the Yanren civilization, already unstable, to its knees and results in her death and those of her followers.During the second half of the game, the player comes across the remains of structures built by the Machu'ruku, a civilization that fell so long ago, even the Yanrana only knew of them by the massive ruins they left behind.After the End: The Yanrana died out or were killed some time ago, and the game shows how forest has reclaimed their buildings.
Compare with Spirit of the North, a similar game featuring a fox guided by a point of light through the ruins of a lost civilization and told entirely without words.