Charleville Muskets: gives +10% Musketeer Ranged Damage Bourbon Tercios only affects Halberdiers and Pikemen one or two small things I don't remember Landsknechts cost 190 coin, have 540 HP, 60 damage. Mercenary Combat not available (needs testing) Quick bug fix Disciplined Mahouts: correctly no longer gives Mahouts +20% Combat, Since Mahouts start with Fortress stats
Flamethrowers have 6 damage, 11 range, 16 LOS, 24 caption (up from 5 damage, 10 range, 14 LOS, 20 caption)
Siege Elephants have 1 Area, 600 HP, 0.40 armor (instead of 2 area, 660 HP, 0.30 armor)